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6 months one to one

Get clear about the true drivers of your child's behaviour - both wanted and unwanted - and learn how to harness those drivers for their benefit.


Develop the skills necessary to build safety and trust by utlising conflicts, breakdowns and setbacks.


Step firmly onto the path of authentic, respectful and democratic parenting that is free from punishments, threats, bribes or coersion of any kind.

12 months one to one

Confidently meet your child's unique developmental needs regardless of your families circumstances.


Remain deeply connected through conflict, breakdowns and setbacks in order to utilise them as enrichment and opportunities for exponential growth.


Experience a changed trajectory to a genuine and impactful parent/child relationship that lasts. 


VIP days 

Fast track the entire process whilst going even deeper in an immersive and focussed space. 


Co create your own unique pathway with the Aware Parenting approach in just two half day sessions.


Leap forward in an intensive, both compressing and maximising time and money on your journey.

Coming Soon!


Excited to announce that we'll soon be creating a safe and contained collaborative learning space.


Here, we'll come together with a shared purpose and intention, experience accelerate insights from

within an intimate group setting and connect with a community of like hearted individuals.


You'll have your challenges normalised when hearing others struggling with similar situations and develop

life long listening partnerships, all whilst still enjoying a customised journey with individualised content.





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